The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Get this, I had an appointment this Friday for a nuchal translucency ultrasound test. That's a very detailed ultrasound where they look for possible chromosome defects in the baby. Well, today I received a phone call, I guess the doctor I was scheduled to see doesn't take my insurance so they have to reschedule me at the new IMC hospital in Salt Lake. So now instead of going in this Friday, I have to wait until next Thursday. I was looking so forward to getting to see the baby again, and to making sure everything is going good, but now I have to wait another week to find out. I know it's JUST a week, but a week can seem like forever sometimes. -:(

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there girl! So glad they figured out the insurance situation BEFORE instead of after the ultrasound...that has happened to me, and it's such a pain!
