The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Monday, September 12, 2011


This last Friday we had our very last ultrasound and the baby is measuring around 8 lbs (give or take a pound they say)- that's our BIG boy! Wow! Well, today the doctor checked me and it turns out that I'm not dilated at all and the baby hasn't dropped at all, which I found kind of depressing, I guess I was kind of hoping he would be coming soon, especially considering how big he is. The doctor also told me that due to his size he might not even be able to drop, which of course will mean I'd have to have him Cesarean, which scares me! I'd really rather not be cut open if I can avoid it!-:(
Well, anyway the doctor plans on taking the baby on the 28th (whether by induction or cesarean), so that means I've only got about 2 more weeks left no matter what. -WooHoo! Almost there! But in the meantime, check out the belly! -It's huge!

1 comment:

  1. 8 pounds already! Way to be, little man! So excited to meet his little face.
