The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Thursday, February 23, 2012


Get this, I received a letter from the Department of Health this last weekend which states that Tyler failed his hearing screening and that, "The hospital indicates that efforts to reschedule the test have been unsuccessful". I called the hospital to verify and sure enough they tell me that Tyler did indeed fail the test so now I'm supposed to bring him back to the hospital one of these days to retest his hearing. - WTF, this is the very first time I'd even been told about this, they didn't say anything at the hospital and the hospital has never even tried to "reschedule" since they never told me about this in the first place! UGH!!

Also, I'm a few days late with this, but Tyler is 5 months old now as of last Monday. He rolls onto his belly a lot and kicks his legs, but then get frustrated that he's not getting anywhere -lol- He has started taking interest in our faces now too, he is always grabbing my face and putting his fingers in my mouth -yum - Now that he can roll he has started sleeping longer too, which is awesome! Recently he has been sleeping from about 6 or 7 until about 3 or 4, now we just need to adjust his hours a bit and it will be perfect. :)

Update (Sat. Feb 25) : We took Tyler back in to the hospital to retest his hearing and this time he passed! YAY!!!!

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