The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Things

Well, starting Monday I no longer have my 5 to 3 shift, I will be going 9 to 5. Even though it makes me sad to lose my 3 day weekend, I’m quite happy about not having to get up at 4 A.M. anymore. I think it will be a good thing, because now I can take my showers in the morning before work and I get to go to bed after dark- Yay!! In other news I had my yearly MRI done. It turned out pretty good.  I do have 1 new scar, but they tell me it’s not growing, so yay again! Now for my sad news, my friend Melanie has decided to stay home with her baby, so she has abandoned me at work. -Crying- Oh well, I still have Nathalie to talk to so I guess I’ll just have to deal with not having Melanie around anymore. I will miss her though.
P..S.- Lets just see how many people actually read my blogs. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to say this yet, but I just found out that I’m pregnant again. I was considering just keeping it to myself due to all my bad luck, but I guess I just needed to share it somewhere. I just pray that I have better luck this time!

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