The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Monday, February 14, 2011


I saw the baby's heartbeat! WooHoo! I was so nervous about my doctor's visit today. Due to all my bad luck in the past I was freaking out all day. At the beginning of the ultrasound the doctor had the monitor turned towards her, and she kept it that way for a minute, so I was starting to think maybe something was wrong. Finally she turned the monitor for me to see, and then she showed me the baby's heartbeat. She even turned up the sound so that I could hear it, the heartbeat was 131 beats per minute, which the doctor says is good, so everything is fine so far. The baby measures 6 weeks 6 days so it's due date is October 4th. I'm so excited, it's a huge relief to know everything is going good!

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