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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Doctor Visit

Yesterday was my first doctor's appointment. I thought I was just going to have my blood drawn, because the doctor wanted to test my progesterone levels, but when I arrived they put me into their ultrasound room. I was confused and told the nurse that I wasn't that far along so they wouldn't be able to see anything anyway, but she still had me get undressed and wait to have the ultrasound. After waiting what seemed like forever, the doctor finally came in and the first thing she said was that we weren't going to do an ultrasound, the nurse was wrong, so I got dressed again and went to have my blood drawn. The nurse first tried my right arm, but managed to collapse the vein. She then tried my left arm, she didn't collapse this one but the blood was flowing very slowly so it took a long time for her to collect enough.The doctor had prescribed some progesterone for me to start taking until they get my blood results.

Well, I thought that was the end of this, until I received a phone call at work today. They told me that they had my test results and my hormone levels were too high for how far along I was, so they wanted me to come in for an ultrasound because they were thinking that I was farther along than previously thought. I was excited but concerned, because unusual news for me is seldom good. Plus, now I was curious about how far along I could possibly be.

After getting to the doctor's office they sent me straight in for the ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that I am somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks, which is close to what I'd figured. As it turns out, the doctor had figured I was only about 4 1/2 weeks along. They forgot to consider the fact that I have a short monthly cycle, which is why I am actually farther along than the doctor had figured. Still, it was nice to know everything was looking good so far, we could even see the spot forming inside the sack, so we now have proof that someone is in there.  In other good news, my progesterone levels are normal, so I don't need to keep taking the pills.-:)

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