The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


March strikes again! -lol- March has just not been a good month in my family, and I guess it just felt like getting one more hit in before the end.

Middle of the night last night I woke up with a brand new painful kidney infection, I know, I'm no stranger to the infection, but being pregnant on top of it gave me cause to worry. I tried to drink a lot of water to wash it out and took some Tylenol before going back to bed. Well, that didn't solve the problem, first thing this morning it was still there, so I called in sick to work and so did my husband. I took some more Tylenol, which helped quite a bit, and waited for the doctor's offices to open. Finally around nine I called my OB, but it turns out that she's not in on Tuesdays, so I ended up going to the urgent care clinic instead. They tested my urine and told me what I figured, that I had a kidney infection, they then gave my a shot of an antibiotic and wrote me a prescription for some more antibiotics. The doctor then told me that being a high risk pregnancy they might end up sending me to the hospital anyway because kidney infections can be dangerous to the baby, sure enough she called my OB's office and that's what they decided to do.

First she told me to just go to the womens center at the hospital and that my OB's office would be calling over there, but after we got there the womens center told me that they don't see anyone under 20 weeks pregnant so they had to send me to the emergency room instead, which I didn't really want to do because it's so expensive, but that's what we had to do.

After talking with the nurse in the emergency room they decided that since I'd already had a shot and a prescription, there really was no other reason for me to be there so the nurse was going to let us go and "pretend we never came in" so that we wouldn't have to pay for it. Just for peace of mind though we asked if they could check on the baby so they sent a nurse over with a heartbeat monitor, just to test for us before we left. Well, the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat, so now they ended up admitting us for real, which costs an instant $125. Anyway the doctor decided that we should go in for an ultrasound since they couldn't find the heartbeat, then they left us for what seemed like forever in our room while we waited for someone to come get us for the ultrasound. It sucks to be left so long not knowing if your baby is alright! Finally, a nurse came in to check on us and was surprised to find that we hadn't had the ultrasound yet, so she went to find somebody. A few minutes later someone finally came to take us, and as it turned out the baby was fine, THANK GOD!!!

After being returned to our room, we were ready to leave now, but no, we had to wait for the doctor to come and tell us the test results - even though we were there and already knew, it's just a technicality. It took over an hour for them to send the results to the doctor, before they would finally let us go! We left for urgent care at 9AM, we got out of the hospital at 1:30 - What a day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What an ordeal you went through. Glad your husband had the day off so you weren't alone. And so glad baby is doing well!
