The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

14 Months Old

My Tyler is 14 months old today! He can walk … but he won’t. He constantly wants us to walk with him, when in fact he doesn’t need us to help him. He still hasn’t figured out that he can walk on his own –lol- The last time he was walking with me, I bent down a bit and sort of lied my hand down in his, and he was still walking although I wasn’t actually supporting him at all, but If I try to take my hand away, he will just instantly drop to his knees. I think he’s just so afraid of falling that he doesn’t dare go it alone. :(

He’s also becoming more finicky with foods, he has started avoiding his vegetables, and whenever I give him food he doesn’t recognize, I have to force feed him a bite, or he just won’t try it at all. It’s funny because he will get so mad when I force feed him, but if he ends up liking what I fed him then he will continue to eat it on his own  –lol-  He also has a strange new habit of putting his food in his hair for some reason- Silly boy!! :)

Anyway, I finally did it! I'd wanted to put a tree on Tyler's wall for quite a while now, but the vinyl wall stickers are just too expensive. So last Sunday I got brave and just decided to paint a tree on his wall myself, I mean, I used to be an artist, so I should be able to at least paint a tree!  Anyway, I'm proud of my tree, I think it turned out well! :)

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