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Thursday, November 1, 2012

13 months old

I know this is a rather late post, but the day Tyler turned 13 months old was also the day his daddy left for another work trip to China. This trip was only a week long though, so it wasn't too bad. While he was gone me and Ty stayed at my sister's house for a few days, which I think was good for both of us. It was good for me because then I had some company and I had to learn to sleep in the same room as Tyler (which, when we end up going to China, is what we will have to do there as well) and this was good for Tyler too because it gave him experience being away from home and he was exposed to more people -(he really needs to get around people more).

At 13 months old Tyler still isn't walking (just around the furniture), we have changed from formula to whole milk and he eats mostly table foods now (I only feed him baby food about once every other day or so), he is also starting to stack blocks (not more than 3 high yet) plus he can use his ring stacking toy now too, well, when he's not using is as a club anyway -lol - he has also started cutting out his second nap, so now he usually only takes 1 nap a day around noon.

Yesterday was Halloween and I dressed Tyler as a bumble bee, ever since I was a teenager and I saw this really cute baby dressed as a bee, that's what I'd always planned on dressing my baby as, plus Ty's daddy also calls he "Big B", so I thought a bee costume was appropriate. So since I dressed Ty as a bee, I dressed as a flower, so we could match. I think our costumes turned out well and Tyler was a super cute bee!!!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! And how sweet that you have that memory from when you were a teenager and got to dress him up that way.
