The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Saturday, May 16, 2015


I just realized that I hadn't updated my blog in a while. As the title of this post says - I turned 40 last month. It just seems surreal to me! I feel more like I should be turning 30 than 40. Time just goes by faster then I ever thought it would. I have been struggling with being 40. 30 didn't bother me much because at 30 people can still look young and pass for their 20's, but at 40, nobody passes for 20 anymore. At the same time though, I'm trying to think of 40 as being a new start in my life. My 30's were so hard with all my baby loss, I'm just hoping my 40's will be better!
Tyler is getting more and more fun as he is getting older, although he does have his bad tantrum moments occasionally, most of the time he is just amusing. He is speaking so much more now then even just a few months ago. He keeps surprising me with how well he can read. He plays well on his own and is even fun to watch while he is pretending to be Iron Man talking to Jarvis while pushing imaginary buttons on the wall - it's very cute! He loves playing his video games, especially Lego Marvel Superheroes, we have had to set a timer so that he doesn't play all day. Although I do have moments here and there where I miss his baby phase, overall I am enjoying him much more now! He's such a sweet little guy! I Love him so much!!!
We did our annual tulip festival a couple weeks ago. I think I was stressing about it too much though. It has become a tradition for us to get a family photo at the tulip festival, and for some reason I was just too worried about not getting a good photo. I really shouldn't let little things like this bother me. I guess I just don't want the tradition to be ruined.

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