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Friday, April 20, 2012

7 Months Old

My little man is 7 months old! I started feeding him baby food over this last month and he's getting pretty good at eating, the first few times I tried to feed him the food would go in, but then he would end up pushing most of it out with his tongue, now he actually sticks his tongue out when he opens his mouth (which is super cute!) so most of the food will stay in. So far he's tried sweet potatoes, carrots, peas and spaghetti squash, and he eats them all up -yum! -:) He also crawls now too and for some reason he always seems to head for the power cords so we've had to block off certain areas already, particularly the corner with the fish tank. He also likes to stand, he can't pull himself to standing yet, but he loves it when I hold him in a standing position.

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