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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

This year was officially my first Mother's day being a mother, and I must say that being a mother is by far the best job I've ever had! It's a lot of work but Tyler makes it all worthwhile! I love my son sooo much!!! ♥♥♥

"Before you were conceived I wanted you Before you were born I loved you Before you were here an hour I would die for you This is the miracle of Mother's Love" -Maureen Hawkins

For Mother's day weekend, Saturday my husband took me out to eat at the Olive Garden and Tyler gave me a box of chocolates (well, I sort of had to wrestle them away from him :p ) and then on Sunday my husband barbecued! 

It was an awesome weekend, although I'm not sure I really deserved it after Tyler fell off the bed just a week before. It was sad! I saw it happen, but I just couldn't get back there in time. It was all my fault too! I was getting his bath ready and I put him on my bed to change him. I set him on his back in the center of the bed and thought I could test the water temp, I felt the water and turned around to a horrible sight, Tyler was lying on his belly right along the back edge of the bed! I rushed over but it was too late, he tried to crawl towards me and BOOM, he landed on his face/head. Other than a carpet burned nose, he was alright, but that had to be one of the most heart wrenching things I've ever seen!!! I think I cried more than him!!! :'( I felt so bad!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day! Glad you got a little spoiled. :) And don't worry about the bed incident...accidents happen to every child.
