The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

8 Months Old

Tyler is 8 months old today! We weighed and measured him and he's up to about 23 lbs and 29 1/2 inches long! Wow, that's my big boy!

He's gotten pretty good at sitting now, he can sit up for quite a while without tipping over, but he doesn't really like to stay sitting too long, I think he just prefers to constantly be on the move. He's gotten quite good at crawling now too, although he still army crawls he's pretty fast and goes all over the house. He does get up on his hands and knees sometimes and rock back and fourth, but he still hasn't been able to crawl like that yet. He did pull himself up to standing once and I was actually fortunate enough to have had my camera out at the time, so I got pictures.-:)

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