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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

9 Months Old

That's right, my Tyler is 9 months old today, which means that he has now officially lived outside of me longer than inside me. He loves to stand now, he will climb up anything or anyone. He can kind of walk a bit sideways holding on to things, but mostly he likes us to help him walk. He stands up then reaches his arm out, then once I grab his hand he will turn and grab my other hand then we walk, well, kind of like a drunk, but we're trying. -;) As of a couple days ago I noticed he's getting his 5th tooth now too (left tooth next to bottom 2), which is funny because his top 2 teeth still haven't completely grown in yet. 

Tyler's Dr. appointment was also today and he is still measuring big, he is 95% on height and 90% on weight now (nearly 23 lbs and 30 inches). Tyler's physical development so far is good (right on or even ahead of other babies his age) but the problem is his speaking, the Dr. is actually starting to be concerned with it. Tyler just barely started babbling two weeks ago, but the doctor told me that babies his age should be able to say things like mama or dada, and actually understand what they mean. He does say mama, but I can't tell if he understands that I am mama or if he's just making the sound mama, and he's still never done "dada". The doctor said it doen't have to be those words in particular, but he should be trying to say something. Now I'm supposed to call the Dr. back  in 6 weeks to give him an update, if Tyler still isn't trying to talk by then, then we might need to see a specialist about it. -:(

Anyway, we took Tyler to the zoo last weekend, I think he had fun although I don't think he saw many animals. If it wasn't moving and right in front of him, he wouldn't even notice it. -lol- I did take him on the carousel, at first he was frustrated, he was doing back bends and trying to wiggle off, but as soon as the ride started he just looked at me with this huge smile - it was so cute! If you want to see more of my pictures click on Zoo 2012 it's listed under "My Photos" 

1 comment:

  1. He is doing amazing! I wouldn't be too terribly worried about the talking. He'll pick up on it eventually. :) Such a cutie! And I loved your duck picture!
