The Zhang Family - Theresa's Blog Site

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Friday, August 17, 2012


Tyler actually talked to me today! -:) I mean, he sort of talks by saying "mama" or "dada" but I've never been sure that he actually knows the meaning of his words, but today was different. He had just finished eating so I put him down to play. I sat on the floor and pulled out his toy box for him. He wasn't really interested in his toys so he started crawling around the couch and chair area, just looking around. Then he stopped right next to me. I looked at him and said "What are you doing?", and he looked right back at me and said "ba", which I understand to mean "ball". Well, at first I didn't think much of it, I mean "ba" could have just been some more baby noise until I looked around and realized that his ball was missing! I got up to look for it and found it in the hall next to his room. I couldn't believe it, but my son had actually asked me for his ball, and I understood him! -:D

Also, my son will be 11 months old on Monday! He still will only walk if holding on to something or someone. I get the feeling that he's kind of lost some interest in walking since I've noticed that he likes to play on the floor more often now than he used to, oh well, I guess there's no hurry. :) He still loves to play ball, but now he will actually try to pass the ball, he will sit and when you roll the ball at him he flails his arms to hit the ball back to you. - Very Cute!

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