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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1 Year Old!

That's right! My Tyler turned a year old last Thursday! He still isn't walking. I thought he would have been by now, he still loves to walk along the furniture, his walker and with us, but he is nervous to let go of anything. My husband let go of him the other day, and although he protested, Tyler stayed standing by himself for nearly a full minute! He is at 93% on his height, 31 inches, but his weight has dropped to 85%, 25 lbs. He is getting better with the finger foods now too, but he has a bad habit of trying to put too much in his mouth at the same time, so we really have to watch him. He still doesn't say many words yet, the only words I've heard from him are "ball","mama", "dada" and "go go go" (that's his current favorite, I think he got it from the cat in the hat)
We had a birthday party for him on Saturday. I think it went well, he got lots of fun presents and ate chocolate cake for the first time - He loved it! - Big mess! - So cute! - I love my little birthday boy!

to see the photos of the party, click on "Tyler's 1st Birthday" in the list "My Photos"

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